Hair Growth Cycle and Laser Hair Removal

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    Except for the soles of the feet, the inside of the mouth, the lips, the backs of the ears, the palms of the hands, some external genital regions, the navel, scar tissue, and, aside from eyelashes, the eyelids, human hair grows everywhere on the body.

    There are several varieties of hair on the body, including vellus hair and androgenic hair, each with its unique cellular structure. This variable architecture offers the hair distinct qualities that serve various functions, namely warmth (which is redundant in modern people) and physical protection. Most individuals grow the longest, thickest hair on their scalps and (primarily in men) on their faces. This hair will generally grow to a length of several feet before dying; however, many people have considerably longer hair.

    Hair Specialist 

    Hair Growth Cycle

    Anagen, catagen, and telogen are the three stages of hair development. Each strand of hair on the human body is developing at its unique rate. When the cycle is over, it resumes, and a new strand of hair grows. Hair growth rate varies from person to person based on age, genetic predisposition, and a plethora of environmental variables. Hair grows roughly 1 cm every month on average, but the reality is more complicated since not all hair grows at the same time.

    Cycles of Hair Growth 

    Hair growth cylces

    1. Anagen

    Anagen is the active period of hair growth. The cells in the hair root divide fast. A new hair grows and pushes the club hair (a hair that has stopped growing or is no longer in the anagen phase) up and out of the follicle.

    2. Catagen

    The catagen phase is a transitory stage in which around 3% of all hairs are at any one moment. This stage lasts around two to three weeks. Growth ceases, and the outer root sheath shrinks and connects to the hair root.

    3. Telogen 

    Telogen is the resting phase and contributes to around 6% to 8% of all hairs. The hair follicle is totally at rest during this phase, and the club hair is fully created.

    4. Exogenous

    This is a portion of the resting phase in which old hair detaches and sheds while new hair grows. The exogen indicates the time between when a resting hair reaches its terminal position in the follicle and when it detaches. The resting hair is progressively relaxed, resulting in hair loss.

    Laser Hair Removal

    Laser hair removal is one of the most prevalent cosmetic treatments performed across the world. It directs high-intensity light into hair follicles. The pigment in the follicles is absorbed by the light, which kills the hair follicle while preventing skin injury.

    Laser Hair Removal 

    Laser hair removal is a method of removing undesirable hairs. Laser hair removal could be used to eliminate hair from many locations such as the face, leg, chin, back, arm, underarm, bikini line, and others. Hair does not come out instantly, but rather over a period of days to weeks. Because hair growth and loss occur in a natural cycle, multiple treatments are normally required, and laser therapy works best with hair follicles in the new-growth period.

    How does this affect our laser hair removal treatments?

    As you can see, it takes more than one or two laser treatments at Avanti’s Skin & Laser Clinic to eliminate as many hairs from the treatment area as feasible. The targeted hair must be in the anagen phase, which lasts about 2-3 weeks, to be most effective. Other follicles may be dormant for months. That is why some people believe that a hair follicle injured by laser light suddenly begins to develop hair again. It’s most likely just another hair in the same place as the laser-damaged follicle, but because it was in the telogen phase, it couldn’t be seen.

    When is the hair suitable for laser hair removal?

    Your hair was the one thing on your body that was simple to come and easy to go. Okay, maybe “easy go” isn’t the greatest word to describe pesky hair that you have to shave, pluck, wax, and otherwise deal with on a daily, annoyance basis. But, unless you’re balding, it’s remarkable how many hairs we lose every day. It’s nothing to be concerned about; it’s simply the hair growth cycle at work.

    Every single hair on the human body (and each of us has over five million of them!) works individually. In addition, each hair goes through three stages, from growth to rest. This is why getting rid of your hair with laser hair removal requires more than a single session with our staff at Avanti’s Skin & Laser Clinic. The efficiency of laser hair removal is affected by the hair’s growth cycle. Let’s go over the growth cycles so you realize why we can’t zap every undesirable hair at once and be done with it.

    Want to get a head start on getting rid of those pesky hairs before summer?

    CALL ON 8010840653. 

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